And the Annual Inspirations has gone interactive. : ) Use your smart phone to scan QR codes throughout the book to see the latest and greatest.
For instance, see each of two kits when you're ready to become a consultant. You can choose from the card makers' or the scrapbookers' kit. But getting product worth over $365 for only $99 is just the start. You'll receive free online training, sneak peeks of new products, oodles of inspiration and technique instruction, and support for you to succeed in building your business or supporting your hobby/habit. : )
Other QR codes will give you more information on items such as Workshops on the Go kits, the Cut Above kits, Base and Bling, and Studio J to name a few.
Here's the deal for you. When you order the Annual Inspirations Book from my website any time during the month of August 2014. I will send you a ShinHan Touch Twin Marker of your choice (a $5.95 value). I will email you after you've ordered the Idea Book to get your selection. You will love these alcohol-based markers for the dual tip, the feel in your hand, and the look on your paper.
It's dual tipped marker makes coloring a breeze and gives you a lot of control. I really like mine!