Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Cookie Cards

Southern Californians know that we are in the middle of Girl Scout Cookie Sales.  Even "worse", we're in the middle of booth sales which means there are girls in front of most grocery stores (in San Diego the last booth sale is March 8th, and cookies are gone March 15th).  Lindsey, as a Cadette (6th grader), has lost the "Oh, how cute!  Of course we'll buy cookies from you!" factor.  To compensate and help drive our booth sales of February 13th and 14th,  we marketed Valentine's Day.  To help entice customers to buy cookies for the day, Lindsey and I made these three 3"  x 3" cards.

Old papers and old stamps, but cute!  These three styles come from Originals How-to Program.  The "Love" card was the most popular.

Update the paper and stamps:  I'll try the Oodles of Doodles (B1449) for the sayings and Owls (B1450) for the older stamps.  Now it's your turn!

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